Marianne Rautelin FIN-13
About Marianne
I've been windsurfing since the age of 21. Looking back at the past years I remember being on the water almost every day no matter whether it was windy or not. With not much money as a student I had only one second-hand board and sail to start with which I used in all conditions. Trying to pass the waves in 15 m/s wind with not much of a success with way too little experience and too big gear.
The busy life as a young mother made me stop windsurfing for several years, but the passion for this sport never died. On the contrary, the enthusiasm just got bigger over the quiet years. When I had a chance to start again it was all in.
Who says it’s too late to start? My competitive career started with formula sailing after getting sponsored equipment at age 41! Since then I've been to close to 30 PWA and IFCA competitions achieving the first ever World Championship medal as a Finnish windsurfer woman in France 2012. It's quite extraordinary to see the development I've been through the past years and still learning. This sport gives me many happy moments and keeps me motivated to train strong and hard in and out the water.
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64 kg
Loftsails deliver competitive quality sails year after year. They suit me best being light and easy.