Loïce (Loeiz) Dagorn F-639
About Loïce (Loeiz)
My first steps in windsurfing were in the mid 80's ! The first time I tasted the “Loft feeling” was in Tarifa with Monty Spindler. After 15 minutes of sailing with a proto Blade, I immediately understood that the sails worked differently! Acceleration, comfort, profile breathing ... and off-peak speed. It was in 2006… I have since that date used every year after all the new Racing Blade series, enjoying their constant evolution. I share my feelings with Monty each summer in Tarifa and test the prototypes to participate in the development of racing sails.
Living in Brittany at the tip of Finistère, frequently swept by the Atlantic depressions, Brest harbor and its spots around offer beautiful playgrounds, perfectly adapted to navigate with Loftsails in all conditions, slalom or waves. My goal at the moment : transmit my passion to my son, and he sails with Loftsails too!
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Disciplines :
95 kg
Why Loftsails? the brand is back in my genes of windsurfer! because no other sails have brought me so much pleasure on the water. Sails inspire quality, performance, balance and durability. But also especially because they are developed by a talented and genius designer, who in addition is an excellent rider. Thanks Monty!
My gear: Racing Blade, Pure lip, Wave escape, and Patrik Diethelm slalom boards (the best boards who mixt performance, control and comfort !)